Hiring a Foreign Worker

How does it work?

«For immigration purposes, «»work» is defined as an activity

For which a wage is paid or a commission is earned; or
That directly competes with activities of Canadian citizens or permanent residents in the Canadian labour market.
If a foreign national is going to engage in activities in Canada that are considered work and a work permit exemption does not apply, he or she will need a work permit regardless of the length of stay in Canada, whether a foreign entity pays his or her salary, whether there is no tax equalization, etc.

Flag of Canada with passport and toy airplane
Flag of Canada, the word Canada in wooden abstract letters

Currently, there are two general programs in Canada under which an employer or prospective employer may hire a foreign national. These programs are:

The Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP); and.
The International Mobility Program (IMP).
Under the TFWP, an employer or prospective employer must apply for a labor market impact assessment (LMIA), formerly known as a labor market opinion (LMO), before the foreign national can apply for a work permit. However, with the IMP, foreign nationals can apply for a work permit without the employer or prospective employer having to obtain an LMIA. «


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